Saturday, 19 May 2012

Do You Know How to Lower Creatinine Naturally and Efficiently

High creatinine damage not only damage kidney itself, but also other organs. When there is something wrong with kidney, the glomerular filtration function will be influenced. Creatinine which is something our body doesn't need and other toxins can not be eliminated completely, they will accumulate in our body. For patients, it is very urgent to lower creatinine, in case the kidney function becomes worse and worse and Renal Failure occurs.
In many countries, doctors will advised their patients to do dialysis when the creatinine level reaches to about 5. And dialysis can do lower creatinine obviously. However, long-term dialysis can only make kidney function worse and worse, it can not treat Renal Failure.
Different people have different symptoms, some patients may have no obvious symptoms, even though they have high creatinine level. While dialysis must be done, if some complications appear, such as nausea, vomiting, heart problem and etc even though their creatinine level is not very high. So creatinine level can not be the only factor to decide that wether dialysis is needed or not. It should depends on the specific circumstances of Renal Failure patients. Once your creatinine level exceeds the normal level, you should pay attention to it and take actions to lower creatinine in time. Regret means nothing.
How to lower creatinine level, here is a therapy which is a kind of natural therapies named Immunotherapy. It combines Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Biological Immunotherapy. If you have interest in Immunotherapy, please find the information you want on our website.
Immunotherapy can not only lower creatinine level, though the time it needs is longer than that dialysis needs, it is much safer, also can repair the damaged kidney function. Immunotherapy will be meaningful, if you still have some certain kidney function.
In order to know your condition better, these questions need answering:
1) What is your creatinine level?
2) Dialysis begins? If it does, then how long?
3) How much kidney function is left?
4) Any other symptoms?

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