Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Kidney failure how to lower creatinine

Kidney failure how to lower creatinine?Patients with kidney failure often creatinine index rose, treatment up very hard, or transient is benign, carelessly a bit is to come back. High serum creatinine about kidney failure.
Kidney failure how to lower creatinine?About renal insufficiency of the four stages, just a standard evaluation renal function. And not just to judge the disease according to this can put to still can't treatment. Generally, for renal insufficiency patients, it appears the serum creatinine and urea nitrogen increases, treatment should be first to the rise in the reason of the understanding. Because the serum creatinine, urea nitrogen is the body muscle the product of metabolism, every day in the body produces, these toxins is through the kidney to discharge, when normal renal units destroyed, renal interstitial fibrosis happened, glomerular sclerosis happened after part, glomerular filtration function drops, toxins can't eduction, in the body retention, appear index rise. Renal fibrosis with advances, glomerular filtration functions declining, creatinine are rising. At this time, there will be a series of complications, such as: kidney of hypertension, renal anemia, electrolyte imbalance, etc.
Kidney failure how to lower creatinine? Western medicine to kidney failure treatment is symptomatic treatment, have high blood pressure medication with some; With anemia correction of anemia; Creatinine high with some intestinal detoxification medicine to drop creatinine. The treatment is for kidney disease clinical condition to go to treatment, and for the damaged kidneys itself has no treatment, even if the symptoms get control, also is only temporary. So, if you want to get the treatment of the fundamental condition, or to set the kidney pathological damage, from renal fibrosis of blocking treatment, and finally treatment purpose was to restore the renal function, slow progress, away from the dialysis.

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