Wednesday, 16 May 2012

High Creatinine and Renal Failure early findings have?

High Creatinine and Renal Failure early findings have? Relative to character, chronic renal failure early performance is not really too obvious, people should need to understand somewhat. As a due to many factors produced by the body disease, chronic renal failure in fact have a relatively long course of illness. According to the renal damage points renal insufficiency of compensatory; Renal insufficiency decompensated period also called nitrogen quality of blood; Renal failure period; End-stage say again uremia period.
(1) hematopoietic system performance: chronic renal failure patients were has weight from anemia, much by long-term malnutrition, erythropoietin reduce and hemolysis. Kidney failure patients have bleeding tendency, for the performance of the subcutaneous bleeder bruises,, gum bleeding, BiNv, serious can happen gastrointestinal hemorrhage and death. In addition, still can have white blood cells is unusual, because "urine toxins" in the role of the white blood cells that are generated and function obstacle, the total number of white blood cells down (the major is lymphatic cells generate reduce), neutrophils engulfed the chemotaxis, and kill bacteria ability also is reduced.
(2) the digestive system performance: the digestive system performance is the first and most common one of the performance, mainly is NaCha, indigestion. Severe can be a glossitis, oral erosion. If peptic ulcer involving the blood vessels can have hematemesis, having blood in one's stool.
(3) the cardiovascular system performance: common have high blood pressure, uremia and pericarditis, all kinds of sex myocarditis arrhythmia and heart failure.
(4) the respiratory system performance: the respiratory system can generally be in when acidosis have difficulty breathing, can also be made by uremia produce bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy performance etc.
(5) the skin performance: can form, the skin is pale, dry, itchy and "NiaoSuShuang".
(6) the skeletal system: because of calcium phosphate metabolic disorder, can appear osteoporosis, osteomalacia or fibrous bone pain and inflammation in pseudo fractures.
(7) neurological and psychiatric symptoms: central performance have slow, depression, be agitated, excited, convulsions, sleepiness and coma. Peripheral nerve degeneration of performance for the performance of the lesion had skin allergy, burn, the body is weak and activities such as obstacles.

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