Friday, 11 May 2012

What should I Do-a Renal Failure Patient with Creatinine 7

Patient: I was diagnosed with Renal Failure three month ago, and the treatment in our local was not making any good progress. My creatinine level is 7 and doctor recommend me dialysis, and I really don't want to. What should I do?
Doctor: Your creatinine level is high. And generally speaking, dialysis will be needed if creatinine level reaches to about 5. Creatinine level is not the only determining factor that whether dialysis is needed or not. Some Renal Failure patients with high creatinine levels have not started dialysis yet, though creatinine levels is more than 1000. However, for patients with Renal Failure, their creatinine levels usually is high, and dialysis is needed to eliminate the toxins and excessive water in order to stop the further damage to kidney and other organs. However, it doesn't mean patients should rely on dialysis in their lifetime. Dialysis can only help our body eliminate the toxins and can not replace other functions of kidney. The fact is that kidney has been damaged for patients with Renal Failure. Long-term use of dialysis makes kidney in a state of no working and makes kidney function worse and worse.
As to your condition, you should do dialysis to clean your inner environment and then take the efficient treatments to repair the damaged kidney tissues. Now your creatinine level is 7, you should not delay your condition any more, otherwise the prognosis will be worse. Here we recommend you Immunotherapy, it combines Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Biological Immunotherapy. As long as you still have urine and blood stream, that is to say, if you still have about 15% kidney function, our treatment will be meaningful.

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