Friday, 27 July 2012

How to reduce creatinine index

Creatinine muscle in the body is the product of metabolism, each 20 g muscle metabolism can produce 1 mg creatinine. And as long as we still eating dinner is, as long as we still have life, that will produce the metabolic products every day. Human blood creatinine normal of 40-120 umol/L.
More than 80% of the patients and family members think renal failure and uremia is for the blood creatinine were too high. In fact this is because patients do not understand medical knowledge in a misunderstanding. Indeed, the body high serum creatinine and retention, and renal function failure are directly related. But the correct causality is: because your kidney function of failure, the adjustment of the glomerulus function and detoxification function drops, and cause body toxin can't eliminated from the body, so that the blood creatinine increases.
How to reduce creatinine index? Uremic patients case has not only reduce creatinine index can solve a problem, because patients was now appear a series of complications, this is due to the rise of creatinine renal cell damage caused kidney inherent after the physiological function decline so at this moment, the treatment is not but drop creatinine problem, but the main problem is fix the kidney, at this time to complete control disease and index, you'll need for the disease to the fundamental treatment, also is to take comprehensive treatment measures. The treatment needs to be objective and uremia system treatment. First to check your kidney damage, the pure blood creatinine index does not represent the, should see you of glomerular rate a rate, your urine output, you of the renal fibrosis examination results, etc.

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