Tuesday, 3 July 2012

What are the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy

Unfortunately you have early symptoms of diabetic nephropathy - for example, if you just have microalbuminuria. Early symptoms of kidney disease in patients with diabetes are generally unusual. Symptoms develop with the progress of kidney disease. Early symptoms are vague and nonspecific, such as fatigue, having less energy than usual, and just feel bad.

More serious symptoms of kidney disease which may include the following:

Protein in the urine


Swelling of ankles and legs, leg cramps

Pee more often at night

High levels of blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine

Less need for antidiabetic drugs or insulin

Nausea and vomiting

Weakness, pallor, and anemia


As renal function declines, then other problems can develop. For example, anemia. calcium, phosphate and other chemicals enter the bloodstream. These can cause various symptoms such as fatigue due to anemia and bone thinning and fractures due to an imbalance of calcium and phosphate. End-stage renal failure can be fatal if not treated in time.

There are about twenty thousand patients are treated diabetic nephropathy in the hospital in Shijiazhuang nephrology each year, and nearly all patients recover their health by.

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