Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The relationship between creatinine and dialysis

creatinine is a kind of waste which should be removed out of body by kidneys. if our kidneys are damaged, the creatinine and other waste can not fully eliminated by kidneys, so the level will increase.

For renal failure patients, they usually have high creatinine levels. That is because the kidneys are damaged more severely and much kidney function has been lost. in general, when the creatinine level reaches to about 5.1, the dialysis will be recommended. however, creatinine level can not be the only factor that deciding whether dialysis is needed or not. it should depend on the specific illness condition about patients. If the high creatinine level begin to cause some side effects such as nausea, vomiting, heart problems and so on, dialysis must be used.

though dialysis must be used sometime, it can not treat renal failure. dialysis can only replace the function of eliminating waste and excessive water, so kidney function will become worse and worse with time going.moreover, some dialysis patients have to bear some side effects caused by dialysis, such as nausea, low blood pressure, vomiting, headache and so on. more and more patients begin to decide to stop dialysis.

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