Thursday 12 July 2012

After renal transplantation, can high creatinine level still appear?

Kidney transplantation means replacement of the failed kidneys with a working kidney from another person, called a donor. Kidney transplantation is not a complete cure, although many people who receive a kidney transplant are able to live much as they did before their kidneys failed.People who receive a transplant must take medication and be monitored by a physician who specializes in kidney disease (nephrologist) for the rest of their lives.

When patients after renal transplantation, appear rejection, to resist rejection, patients must choose to make its own drug immune system, the illness is likely would return.This time the high serum creatinine levels will appear.However, when the creatinine level elevates again after kidney transplant, does renal failure come back?

Dialysis and kidney transplants and not the best treatment, you should choose to repair your kidney to reduce serum creatinine.So, what just can achieve the effect of repair kidney?As elevated creatinine level is attributable to the kidney damage, the key to lowering creatinine level is to restore the kidneys.

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