Thursday 5 July 2012

How to reduce high creatinine in China

Creatinine is a kind of wastes and under normal cases, it will be filtered out of body by our kidneys. Once there is something wrong with the filtration function of kidneys, creatinine and other toxins and excessive water can not be removed out of body. The levels of creatinine in blood can indicate that how the kidney function is to some extent.

If your creatinine is 5.2,so do you know this high creatinine mean?According to creatinine level, Renal Failure can be divided into four stages, and they are Compensatory Stage(less than 177μmol/L), Decompensatory Stage(186-441μmol/L), Renal Failure(451-707μmol/L) and ESRD(more than 707μmol/L). Now creatinine 5.2, please use this formula:mg/dl x 88.4 = μmol/L and you can get your creatinine level is also 457.68 μmol/L, so creatinine 5.2 means you are in Renal Failure.
We want to know how the right lower creatinine level,As to the treatment, what we need is the efficient and safe one. As to "efficient", the treatment should not be the one cures the only symptoms, but not the disease. As to "safe", the treatment should have no side effects. However, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is just such a treatment.
How to reduce high creatinine in China
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy aims to repair the damaged kidney inherent cells through providing the nutrient materials and promoting blood circulation and removing the blood stasis, for it knows clearly that as long as the filtration function is recovered, the creatinine can be removed out of body naturally. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Chinese herbal medicine and all the medicine comes from nature, so it is safe and has no side effects.

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