Friday 15 June 2012

How elderly patients suffering from renal insufficiency treated by drugs

The patient of 88 years asked how that elderly patients suffering from renal insufficiency treated by drugs? Experts have warned that elderly patients with renal insufficiency, the treatment must be careful to use drugs, because he needs to consider that the body of aging causes physiological changes, as change is considered of renal function. So how elderly patients suffering from renal insufficiency treated by drugs? Experts meet nephropathy following:
First, elderly patients developed kidney failure need to understand the characteristics of drugs, such as drugs prototype or metabolic product excreted by the kidney, it is easy to accumulate in the body and causing poisoning, it is necessary to reduce use. Some drugs, such as doxycycline after oral administration, mainly by fecal excretion, the drug does not cause the accumulation in the body, without dose adjustment. Sulfonamides can form crystals in the ureters and easily lead to urinary obstruction, renal function worsened, which should be avoided.
Consequently, patients developed kidney failure need to understand the potential toxicity of the drug. Such as neomycin, gentamicin, streptomycin, and some cephalosporins, multi-polymyxin, vancomycin, antibiotics such as amphotericin B, these drugs have some degree of renal toxicity, patients developed kidney failure should be used with caution, be careful about adjusting the dose. Some drugs, although there is no renal toxicity, but patients are allergic to these drugs, they can also cause kidney damage, such as penicillin can cause an acute allergic interstitial nephritis, it must also be used with caution. Cold medicine, pain medication, if the long-term use can inhibit the enzymatic activity of renal tubular cells, causing direct tubular toxicity, and sometimes lead to kidney tissue of allergic reactions, these medications should be used with caution.
How elderly patients suffering from renal insufficiency treated by drugs, the answer above is given by the experts, older patients should receive attention in order to avoid unnecessary risks.

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