Thursday, 7 June 2012

Chronic renal failure of the complications of anemia what harm

Anemia is down the content of the red blood cells in the blood. The red blood cell to carry oxygen supply distribution of all kinds of body cells. If no oxygen, the whole body cells lose energy source. Therefore, anemia feels fatigue, pale. And long-term serious anemia may also can cause heart problems, affects the quality of life.
Anemia can cause a series of negative consequences, increasing the length of time and mortality, for anemia should be actively early detection and treatment. Through the simple routine blood test, we can know to have anemia. Men and women after menopause the hemoglobin less than 135 g/l, premenopausal women hemoglobin less than 120 g/l, is to achieve the anemia diagnostic criteria.
Anemia is common complications of chronic renal failure, can occur in the stages of chronic renal failure. The main reason is the kidney generation and secretion of erythropoietin (EPO) insufficient. Erythropoietin can stimulate the bone marrow generation red blood cells, and about 90% of EPO in the body by kidney tissue produce. In chronic kidney failure, the kidney will produce the secretion of EPO significantly reduced, and because the renal failure on the influence of the toxins when the bone marrow, all to generate a bone marrow red key link is restrained, and therefore makes red blood cell production decrease. The life of the red blood cells by retention of the influence of the metabolic products will also reduced.
In addition, kidney failure, often have blood coagulation disorders, and patients often bleeding tendency, such as nasal bleeding, gums bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, period overmuch, blood loss make anemia accentuate further.

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