Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Renal failure symptoms of anemia analytical

Chronic kidney failure (CRF) patients with different degrees of anemia, along with kidney function decline, anemia gradually deteriorated. So, renal failure appear anemia is how to return a responsibility? Basically has the following a few reasons:
(1) red blood cell production decrease:
(1) erythropoietin reduce:
Erythropoietin mainly by the glomerular nearly ball cells, medulla stroma cells to produce. CRF, besides kidneys produce erythropoietin parts of the damaged outside, hemoglobin to oxygen affinity reduce, the unit hemoglobin to oxygen increase the utilization rate of, kidney ischemia relative not serious, produce erythropoietin the main stimulus to reduce, leading to the generation of erythropoietin significantly less.
(2) the toxin inhibit bone marrow:
When the accumulation of blood CRF some toxic substance to the marrow is direct inhibition, cause hematopoiesis function obstacle.
(3) power iron barrier:
Iron storage and meshy endodermis system to metabolic function abnormality, hemoglobin out of the release of iron metabolism is affected, the result is serum iron down and supply of bone marrow iron decrease, influence blood.

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