Thursday 31 May 2012

The June 1 children's day: health care for children with nephrotic syndrome feast

One, daily life sometimes, as in the sun
Hot summer weather, sunshine time long. Nephrotic syndrome in children, must follow the change of the weather rules, formed the good living habits. At 1:00 PM best arrangement for half an hour or so lunch break, so can ensure that physical strength, and recovery. Some of the harmful rays such as r rays, extremely easy violations caused by human body skin inflammation, kidney disease syndrome patients themselves low immune function, it should be wary of the sun as, lest because of skin inflammation worse.

Second, abstemious, not greed is cool
Summer fruit or vegetables in many varieties and aroma funny appetite, and some of the children with nephrotic syndrome, like ice cream or iced diet to quench my thirst. If once in a while, a few times is not taboo, if constantly to cool for no illness is greed. For cold cold can damage gastrointestinal function, so that shipment of spleen and stomach YuJian lost, not about his illness. If by greed cool with acute enteritis then each make an illness or aggravated again and again. So patients with nephrotic syndrome summer careful with cool cold drinks.

Three, exercising, pay attention to health
Many parents think diseases want sanatorium, let the child darling to stay at home. In fact, it is not good, even if the sick, the appropriate for children to some exercise and many benefits. In the children playing and life, should pay attention to children's health, avoid to cause all kinds of infections disease recurrence or worse.

Four, pay attention to the bedroom environment, pay attention to sleep hygiene
Summer, kidney disease syndrome patients decorate the bedroom appropriate capacious, bright, ventilated, ventilation, keep a certain temperature. The air conditioning shoulds not be too low, with less than the temperature outside is 5 ~ 6 ° c or so advisable, or extremely easy because of the rapid change and cold and heat in a cold. Bedding to clean, dry, the bedroom wants downy light, ventilated breathe freely. Because after sleep based metabolism is abate, the child's self-defense function is poorer, extremely easy catch cold catch cold catch a cold, so patients with nephrotic syndrome summer when you sleep should pay attention to cover the abdomen, in order to safeguard against the stomach Yang, prevent colds.

Five, the characteristic is the chang, the essence of abstinence
The course of a long nephrotic syndrome, patients must have the confidence of conquer disease, children in the healing process easily loses confidence patience, this is parents to play an important role, and actively encourage children. With a positive mental attitude of the high treatment health care.
Children in doing the day-to-day nephrotic syndrome of the health care, early accept standardized treatment is necessary. Previous hormone therapy, although can let children early get rid of albuminuria, swelling and other problems, but the long-term use of child health constitute a serious threat. The serious influence to a child's healthy growth.

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