Monday, 30 April 2012

Kidney failure can cure and how to lower creatinine

Kidney failure can cure and how to lower creatinine? Kidney failure is renal insufficiency of the third stage, at this time the kidney inflammation in the human body reaction. It not only just drop the treatment of serum creatinine, while also repair the damaged the remaining kidney function, thus make good therapeutic effect. So, kidney failure can cure? And how to drop creatinine?
Kidney failure can cure and how to lower creatinine? Kidney failure is composed of primary kidney disease or secondary to other diseases caused by the kidney damage and the progressive renal function gradually deteriorated. When renal impairment cannot sustain the development of the environmental balance within, it will lead to toxic metabolites in the body of the savings, water and electrolyte and acid-base disorders, and appear a series of clinical comprehensive symptoms.
Western medicine treatment when the widespread use of the kidney failure "dialysis therapy", basically is in the bloodstream purified toxins, and kidneys filter poison poison to not only cannot get recovery will more and more waste instead, illness became more and more serious, real is a kind of take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, no choice. If kidney failure the patient's condition is not to uremia period, glomerular filtration rate is not less than 20%, general and condition of the opportunity to reverse. If the patient is in early renal failure, creatinine rise is not very high, it is completely possible long-term survival. Simple popular words, this period if appropriate treatment, the damage to the kidney function back to pull a may be normal; and If cure is undeserved, his condition pushed forward to push uremia period, more difficult.
So, kidney failure can cure? And how to drop creatinine? The traditional Chinese medicine treatment for kidney failure of permeability can get good treatment effect, thus let people early weathering!
The traditional Chinese medicine suggested the micro permeability therapy, features, pure Chinese herbal medicine through regulating the body immune function, repair, glomerular basement membrane, will the effective components through the meridians drug penetration spread to patients with kidney to the kidney loose for activating blood circulation and eliminating stasis, fall, turbidity detoxification as the way, to unclog the kidney, activate the kidney function for the purpose. Promote and improve has shrivelled necrosis of the kidney microcirculation, accelerate the metabolism of kidney disease, the effective ingredient drug fully play their part, repair damaged glomerular, enhance the glomerular heavy absorption, and restore normal physiological function of kidney, thus make serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen down to normal.

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