Sunday, 22 April 2012

Nephrotic Syndrome in Children Common Complications

1. The infection is the most common complication of the eigenvalue, at-risk reason: IgG and complement composition in the urine, IgG lost down to synthesis immune function is low; Cellular immune function disorder; Protein malnutrition; Edema; Immunosuppressive applications. The most common respiratory tract infection, followed by the skin, urinary tract infection and idiopathic peritonitis, etc. Peritonitis is common in children ascites, pathogenic bacteria are in capsule (such as streptococcus pneumoniae) and e. coli which is seen, the clinical manifestations of the fever, abdominal pain and abdominal distention, abdominal muscle tension and bounce are painful don't significant.
2. Electrolytes disturbance ? hyponatremia: long-term ban salt, excessive application diuretics, infection (stress sex antidiuretic hormone secretion increased), caused by diarrhea, vomiting, performance for anorexia, lack of power, lazy to talk, drowsiness, blood pressure drops, shock, convulsions. , hypokalemia: diuretics application or hormone diuresis, NaCha, TuXie and oversight for potassium be caused by. ? hypocalcemia and osteoporosis: vitamin D binding protein in the urine by lost, D level to decrease, intestinal absorption of calcium, the undesirable bone parathyroid hormone adjustment function is reduced, and the sensitivity of hyperparathyroidism, etc, and the application of the hormone..
3. High condensation state, thrombosis: the reason: hepatic synthetic blood coagulation factor increases; Urine-determination of lost anticoagulant factor III; Hyperlipidemia is sticky, blood stream is slow, blood platelet aggregation increase; Infection or hemal wall damage activate endogenous blood coagulation system; Diuretics and the application of the blood volume, reduce blood enrichment; Hormone application promote high condensation, etc. The most common renal vein thrombosis: suddenly waist pain or abdominal pain, the glomerular haematuria sex, oliguria, even acute renal failure, B ultrasonic visible side or bilateral enlarged kidneys, large blood vessels can be seen in the blood clots. In recent years the report pulmonary embolism is not uncommon, also have lower limb blood clots, cerebral embolism reports.
4. Adrenal crises long used larger doses of hormones, the pituitary gland-adrenal cortical shaft inhibition, such as withdraw too fast, suddenly medication, the stress condition and did not happen in time added amount, etc, the children can suddenly appeared shock performance, such as not timely treatment for easy death.
5. Acute renal failure: the possible reasons for low blood volume of renal sex kidney failure caused by before; Glomerular disease seriously, the hyperplasia significant, GFR declined obviously; Renal interstitial severe swelling, protein tube type jam renal tubular the proximal tubular and in the renal capsule hydrostatic pressure increased, lead to glomerular filtration reduction of effective.

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