Thursday 28 June 2012

What are the symptoms of kidney failure disease happening

The human body has two kidneys, usually a kidney is enough to maintain the normal operation of the human body, so in the early stages of kidney failure, usually without any symptoms to warn the patient's kidney does not work.
When kidney function has been close to completely lost, the patient's body changes and sick symptoms will obviously. Kidney failure patients disease would be different. So what are the symptoms of kidney failure? The hospital for kidney disease experts explain it all.
Body unwell: because of toxins and waste in the body piled up, the patient may be felt unwell. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, night sleep is not good, no appetite, itching and fatigue.
Edema: some patients there may be swelling phenomenon. Urine to decrease, urinary frequency (especially in the night). Hand to his ankle swelling. Other symptoms and shortness of breath, swelling around the eyes.
Anemia: due to damage to the kidney function, the body can not produce enough of the hormone needed to make the red blood cells, thus produce anemia. People often feel anemia cold and tired.
Other symptoms: hematuria (a dark brown or bleeds), high blood pressure, urine in a bubble, diarrhea, extreme thirst, sleep uneasy, or sleepiness, sex decline.

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